Summer, warm weather, picnics and holiday parades – a perfect time to enjoy a fine cigar. My selection is the Montecristo #2 handmade in the Dominican Republic.
Many consider the famous Montecristo cigar brand to be the finest cigar in the world. Montecristo is among the youngest (the most recent addition was Cohiba) of the traditional Cuban cigars now made in the Dominican Republic. It was founded in 1935. Our offering is hand rolled using high quality long filler and binder tobaccos. It is then finished with a USA Connecticut shade wrapper. This refined smoke starts mild-to-medium and remains consistent throughout the entire cigar. It’s one of our most popular cigars.
At 6 x 50, the #2 has the same roll as the familiar Toro shape, but it has a tapered head, hence the Torpedo designation.
A brief historical side note: Before the advent of radio, it was common place for the rollers to be informed and entertained by a reader or lector. Legend has it that their favorite story at the cigar factory in Cuba was Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Montecristo, hence the name given to the cigar.
I would pair the #2 with Kirk & Sweeney 12yr rum also from the Dominican Republic. This is rich but somewhat drier than many other aged rums and it works well with the cigar’s hints of vanilla and spice. It’s a great pairing.
Enjoy, and Happy Father’s Day!