Though the Bangalore, India-based Amrut Distilleries has been in operation since 1948, it wasn’t until 15 years ago and the launch their eponymous single malts in Scotland that the international accolades starting rolling in: Turns out that critics and cocktail enthusiasts the world over really, really liked what the company was putting out.
For the past eight years the Amrut single malt whiskies have been available to us here in the United States. These multi-award-winning bottles have fans all over the world and have a unique flavor that earns praise from many of our customers. One of our favorite games is to offer the whiskies at blind tastings and watch people’s amazed faces when we tell them they’re from India.
The sleeper hit from Amrut, however, is their rum, and we’re featuring two of them this month: both are unique and perfectly suited to both the late summer and early fall evenings we have coming our way.

Amrut Old Port Rum: Made from Indian molasses in the English style, this round, fruity, and lush rum will warm your belly in any of your favorite cocktails. Float it over ginger beer for a ‘Dark & Blustery’ or use in place of a dark Jamaican rum for a refreshing Mai Tai. We like this rum for its vanilla and pistachio/hazelnut notes, and its wallet friendly price. $18.99 thru September 30, 2018, compare to $24.99.

Amrut Two Indies Rum: An ingenious blend of pot distilled Indian rum and traditional rums from Jamaica and Guyana. Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? We like to think so, and you can taste an unusual intensity of flavor in the blend. This rum explodes with flavors of ripe fruit (mangoes and bananas) and baking spices. This is the perfect rum for a warm spicy cocktail or, dare we say, hot buttered rum? $22.99 thru September 30, 2018, compare to $28.99.
prices subject to change