Tag Archives: beertail

Top 4 Beertails For Summer

Take your favorite beer, add a flavorful mixer and fresh or frozen fruit, and you have the beertail. We love drinking ‘em, especially in the summer: They’re super simple to make, and refreshing. Experiment with your go-to beer, or follow our easy recipes below. Just add the ingredients to a glass, stir, e voila. Your beertail is ready.

Here are 4 of our favorites, perfect for the season.

The Siesta Reviver
12oz summer ale, such as Brooklyn Summer Ale
4oz lambic, such as Lindemans Peche
Frozen peaches or berries for garnish

The Kremlin
Juice of at least 1 lime
12oz light beer, such as Narragansett Summer Citra
Splash of ginger ale

Summer Juice
4oz lemonade, such as Llanllyr Source
4oz pomegranate juice
8oz white ale, such as Two Roads’ Bergamonster
Lemon for garnish

The Sloe Greyhound
2oz Sloe Gin, such as Plymouth
4oz freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
8oz summer ale, such as Wash Ashore’s Boy Meets Girl

Cheers & enjoy!
